Christmas music

Everyone loves Christmas music. At least most do, even if there are a few Scrooges out there that don’t. That may be harsh. Can we at least agree that every believer loves the Jesus about whom we’re singing Carols? Let’s go with that. This year we’re going all in with ChristmasContinue Reading

ladies ensemble

This week our new ladies singing ensemble sang Leaning on Jesus! The group includes the following: Linda Brookshire Denise Cooper Barb Purcell Kelly Stamey Ravonda Stillwell Delores Trenary Here’s the video of their special: Watch live video from High Peak Baptist Church on Justin.tvContinue Reading

Here is our Stream from last Sunday’s worship service. The sermon was the third in a series entitled “The Christmases Before Christmas” about the Lord coming to predict Isaac’s birth to Abraham and how God can come into our lives to help build our faith when we need Him soContinue Reading